Both husband and wife are buried in the Vaughn family cemetery:

  • Lydia Edith (née Spencer) and Charles Augustus Vaughn, the maternal grandparents of Audrey Mae, Edith Anna and John Edward Spencer        (In her map drawing,  Audrey Mae writes “grandma” and “grandpa” under their respective gravestones.)
  • Margaret Allen (née Vaughn) Gardiner, Lydia’s and Charles’ first daughter,  and George Bryon Gardiner           (Audrey Mae draws a line from the shared gravestone of Margaret and George to their sons’, Charles’ and Earl’s, gravestones.)
  • Mary (née Vaughn) and Thomas Spencer      (Web site author is not certain how this Mary Vaughn is related to Audrey Mae, Edith Anna and John Edwards.)

Not buried in the Vaughn family cemetery:

The fourth daughter of Lydia Edith and Charles August and the younger sister of Margaret Allen is Mary Jane (née Vaughn) Spencer who is not buried here.  Mary Jane, the mother of Audrey Mae, Edith Anna and John Edward Spencer, married into the Spencer line whose family has the Spencer family cemetery (E.G. No.9) on Middle Road.  However, Mary Jane did not want to be buried in her own family historical cemetery or the historical cemetery of the family she married into. She was fearful of vandalism or the shenanigans of unscrupulous people digging up graves to take jewelry. The following old newspaper article about vandalism in the Spencer historical cemetery illuminates the fact that Mary Jane’s fear was not unfounded.


Mary Jane died in 1955 and, following her wishes, William J.B.Spencer buried his wife of fifty-eight years in a cemetery with perpetual care near their home and across the street from their Church at the corner of Knotty Oak Road and Washington Street in Coventry, R.I.  When William J.B. died in 1969, he was buried next to his wife.

Vaughn, Spencer, and Gardiner descendants, if you have any additional information on these couples or other couples in this Vaughn cemetery,  please add a comment.  Web site author will add this to the web site.  Thank you.


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