Mary Jane (née Vaughn) and William J.B. Spencer and their children:

Audrey Mae, Edith Anna, and John Edward Spencer

 This web site is in memory of William J.B. and Mary Jane (née Vaughn) Spencer and their children, Edith (“Aunt Edith”)Anna (née Spencer) Evarone, John Edward  (“Uncle Ed”) Spencer and Audrey Mae (née Spencer) MacDonald.


William J.B. & Mary Jane (Vaughn) Spencer’s Wedding Photo (1897)


Edith Anna, John Edward and Audrey Mae (@1915) in front of shed on Spencer Farm

Even though these Vaughn descendants are not buried in the Vaughn family historical cemetery,  their emotional and caretaker ties to the cemetery never wavered. In their memory, this web site carries on their goals and aspirations.  Their desire was to have all Vaughn descendants know of and take great pride in and feel responsible for their historical Vaughn family cemetery. Particularly as they aged, the preservation of this historical cemetery was very important to the three children. Their mother was born and grew up on this Vaughn homestead as they never ceased referring to this land.   They felt responsible for keeping this cemetery as a memorial to their Vaughn ancestors.

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