The shared gravestone in the center of Audrey Mae’s map behind Charles’ and Lydia’s headstone is the headstone for Margaret Allen (née Vaughn) Gardiner and George Byron Gardiner. Margaret, Audrey Mae’s, John Edward’s and Edith Anna’s maternal aunt, is the first daughter of Charles and Lydia. She married a Mr. George Gardiner. Margaret is a 9th generation Vaughn in East Greenwich and, therefore, Audrey Mae designated this by printing the number 9 above their gravestone. Connecting lines are drawn from Margaret’s and George’s shared gravestone to their two sons’ gravestones. Margaret and George’s son, Charles, died in 1958 and Earl died at seven months in 1887. Both of these sons are 10th generation Vaughns in East Greenwich, Rhode Island.
The website,, records Margaret’s birth as 1867 and her death in January 27, 1936, in Warwick, Kent County, Rhode Island. The website reports George’s birth in 1862 and death in 1936.
Bruce Campbell MacGunnigle – 1
“Vaughn descendants, if you have any additional information on Margaret Allen (née Vaughn) and George Bryon Gardiner, please add a comment to this web site and the web site author will add this to the site. Thanks!”